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Passport to Coffee Export abbreviated as “PACE” is a 42-month project funded by the European Union under the government program called Agri-Connect Program.  The overall objective of the PACE project is to promote sustainable and inclusive sector development through a robust export-oriented coffee value chain by 2024.


PACE project is being implemented as a part of result 2.2 of the AGRI-CONNECT program which focuses on small-scale farmer production, resource efficiency, productivity, diversity, value addition, marketing, and certification through nutrition-sensitive climate-smart agriculture. This project is being implemented together with a lead applicant called Solidaridad Eastern and Central Africa Expertise Centre (Solidaridad) and the government institution called Tanzania Coffee Research Institute (TaCRI). The project targeted to reach 22,500 coffee farmers in three regions of Tanzania namely; Mbeya, Ruvuma, and Songwe. These three regions from the southern highland of Tanzania are blessed to be the best providers of coffee production in Tanzania.

Passport to Coffee Export abbreviated as “PACE” is a 42-month project funded by the European Union under the government program called Agri-Connect Program.  The overall objective of the PACE project is to promote sustainable and inclusive sector development through a robust export-oriented coffee value chain by 2024.


PACE project is being implemented as a part of result 2.2 of the AGRI-CONNECT program which focuses on small-scale farmer production, resource efficiency, productivity, diversity, value addition, marketing, and certification through nutrition-sensitive climate-smart agriculture. This project is being implemented together with a lead applicant called Solidaridad Eastern and Central Africa Expertise Centre (Solidaridad) and the government institution called Tanzania Coffee Research Institute (TaCRI). The project targeted to reach 22,500 coffee farmers in three regions of Tanzania namely; Mbeya, Ruvuma, and Songwe. These three regions from the southern highland of Tanzania are blessed to be the best providers of coffee production in Tanzania.

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The overall goal of the project is to promote sustainable and inclusive sector development through a robust export-oriented coffee value chain by 2024. Specifically, the project intends to improve the export-oriented coffee sector, increase incomes through job creation, enhance food and nutrition security of smallholder coffee farmers; and enhance sectoral value addition and marketing.


  • Improve gender relations and youth empowerment along the value chain

  • Improve the competitiveness of Tanzanian Coffee in domestic, regional, and global markets by enhancing export performance

  • Enhance private sector development, locally, regionally, and internationally.

  • Improve Tanzanian coffee productivity and food security

  • Build the capacity of smallholder farmers, farmer associations, and cooperatives in Tanzania towards institutional strengthening and professionalization.

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Envirocare’s Executive Director Ms. Loyce Lema gave a welcome remark to participants during training of extension workers in Mbinga – Ruvuma Region


  • Training for extension workers (Relevant Ministries, Local Government Authority (LGA), TaCRI and Envirocare) on climate and nutrition-sensitive and Good Agricultural Practices


For sustainable production of high-quality coffee, 112 out of 200 extension workers from Local government Authority, Ministry of Agriculture, President Office – Regional Administration, and Local Government were trained on Good Agricultural Practices, Climate Smart Agriculture, and Nutrition-Sensitive. The training intends to strengthen the capacity of the Government extension workers for supporting the project through ongoing training to small holder’s farmers and also for the sustainability of the project. The trained extension workers will take over the project implementation once the project is complete. The composition of extension workers trained in the Ruvuma region is (55), Mbeya (28), and Songwe (29).

  • Provide training to farmers on innovative Agro systems-climate & nutrition-sensitive and good agricultural practices


A total of 400 Lead farmers trained on Climate-Smart Agriculture, Good Agricultural Practices, and Nutrition -Sensitive. Through lead farmers, 17,853 out of 22,500 small holder’s coffee farmers have been reached (7,249 male adults, 2,932 female adults, 5366 male youth, and 2306 female youth) and trained on Good Agricultural Practices, Innovative Agro-Systems-Climate, and Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture. The trained lead farmers will transform the knowledge to 22,500 coffee farmers in their project areas through ongoing monthly training with close supervision from extension officers from the Government and Envirocare field officers. The composition of lead farmers trained are 215 in Ruvuma region, 124 Songwe and 61 Mbeya region.


Envirocare’s Project Officer Mr. Humphrey Makundi talked to coffee farmers during backstopping in Mbinga – Ruvuma Region

  • Train farmers, community leaders, and value chain actors on gender inclusivity using the Economic and Social Empowerment (EA$E) and Engaging Men in Accountable Practices (EMAP) methodologies 

A total of 400 Lead farmers and 75 Gender Champions have been trained on Gender inclusivity using Economic and Social Empowerment (EA$E) and Engaging Men in Accountable Practices (EMAP). The knowledge on gender inclusivity helps lead farmers to improve gender relations in societies by tackling identified gender-related issues. Gender champions work with communities and VSLA groups to advance the gender agenda in the communities and improve gender relations and youth empowerment along the coffee value chain. Also, a total of 124 LGAs officers and the 75 Gender Champion have received training on Community Microfinance Act, 2018 and its regulation (2019). The aim of the training to the LGA officers and Gender champions was to create awareness on the new Community Microfinance Act, 2018 that oversees all community groups involved in saving and loans activities. Trained officers will continue to create awareness in their communities and enforce the law.


Mr. Godlisten Muro (Gender and Legal expert) from Envirocare facilitating Gender Inclusivity to Lead Farmers in Mbinga district.

  • Identify, train, and promote suitable opportunities for economic empowerment for the youth and women by engaging in commercialized agricultural practices (roll out 75 Village Savings and Loans Associations (VSLAs)

The project established 75 Community Microfinance Groups – VSLA groups for women through which a total of 2,385 out of 3,000 women targeted have been reached. In the Ruvuma region, the project managed to establish 34 groups with 1,050 women, Mbeya 22 groups with 676 women, and Songwe 19 groups with 659 women. The 75 VSLA groups have been registered and awarded certificates of registration from the government. For the period of two months (September and October 2021) these groups have achieved to generate a total savings of TZS 22,221,000/- (Ruvuma TZS 12,204,500/-, Songwe TZS 5,479,200/- and, Mbeya TZS 4,537,300/-). In addition, we managed to provide the 75 VSLA groups with 3,000 booklets for recording keeping, i.e., shares, 75 stamp pads, 75 stamps, and 75 quires 4 counter books/ledger books.

Through this activity, 18 Envirocare staff have also received training on Community Microfinance Act, 2018 and regulation (2019).  The training enabled Envirocare to get officially registered by the government as a Promoter of VSLA groups.


Community Microfinance Group (VSLA) received VSLA materials from Ms. Luiza Leon – Envirocare Project Officer in Mbeya DC.

  • Conduct, mentorship, and incubation initiatives to youth and women-led enterprises.

In order to implement this activity successfully, 18 Envirocare staff were trained on Business Incubation and Mentorship that helps the organization do prepare and develop a project-based Incubation Policy and Procedure (EIPP). The policy aims to promote and support youth and women to start and grow coffee-related businesses (SMEs). Following the EIPP, the project has established 25 business enterprises for Youth and Women for incubation and mentorship. (15 Groups in Ruvuma, 5 Mbeya, and 5 groups in Songwe region). Through Incubation groups a total of 255 youth and women have been reached in Ruvuma, 119 in Mbeya Region, and 78 in the Songwe region. Also, 75 Gender Champion and 124 LGAs officers have similarly trained on Envirocare Incubation Policy and Procedures (EIPP).

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Envirocare Project Manager Mr. Amos Mbwambo facilitating Youth Leaders on Business Incubation Enterprises in Mbozi DC

Beneficiaries reached and achievements made in 2021

  • 17,853 smallholder coffee farmers and 400 Lead farmers were trained on Good Agricultural Practices, Climate Smart Agriculture, Gender Inclusivity, and Nutrition-Sensitive.

  • 2,385 women reached through 75 Community Microfinance groups established

  • TZS 22,221,000/- savings generated through the Community Microfinance groups

  • 255 youth from 25 business enterprises received training on group management and business skills in mentorship and incubation program

  • 124 Local government officers were trained on Microfinance Act, 2018 and its regulation (2019) and the Envirocare Incubation Policy and Procedures (EIPP)

  • 112 Government extension workers were trained on Good Agricultural Practices, Climate Smart Agriculture, and Nutrition-Sensitive.

  • 75 Gender champion received training on Gender Inclusivity using EA$E and EMAP methodologies.

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